HOLY CRAP! That was a zombie cat.


Okaay, so that just happened. I just had to smash a cat’s head in with an iron pan. That thing scared the crap out of me. I had no idea that animals could become zombies too. Talk about cat scratch fever.


Alright, about two more miles to go till town. At least I know the weapon works.

6 thoughts on “HOLY CRAP! That was a zombie cat.

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      1. Gay or not, they want to eat you. Their sexual orientation is now forgotten. Animals the same way. To a cat zombie you’re a cute piece of cat food. To a bear zombie you’re a cute honey pot.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I know, really. We’d have to enter the arena of whether or not zombies can get boners. And, as an extension of that, can they orgasm? Gay hairy male zombie with extra fat could theoretically answer our questions, but alas he has not debuted yet.


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